Little Rock kicks off Arkansas Peace Week with 7th Street Mural Project

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – If you’ve ever took a drive down West 7th street, then you’ve seen several paintings. Each piece of art holding a message.

Frankie Leighton is a volunteer for the Painting for Peace Day, and she says each piece of art tells a story.

“It’s a strong message about, like, community keeps us safe, community helps us,” Leighton said.

Each year during Arkansas Peace Week, families from diverse backgrounds join to engage in activities that teach love and fairness amongst all.

7th Street Mural defaced in Little Rock

Tanya Hollifield is the organizer for this annual event and says when people come, they get the opportunity to express themselves through paint.

“We’ve been painting on these walls’ social justice and all about violence that happens to people of color,” Hollifield said.

Arkansas artists celebrate Peace Week with 7th Street Mural Fest

She said it’s a landscape that lets people use their voices artistically. This year those who organized and volunteered are raising money for the Palestinian children’s relief fund.

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