Homicide Suspect CAUGHT in Border BUST—Arkansas Fugitive Nabbed Trying to ESCAPE!

CBP officers caught a man with a felony warrant for negligent vehicular homicide out of Arkansas trying to flee the country.🌐 #News #DesArcAR #Arkansas

DES ARC, AR — A man sought for homicide in Arkansas, has been captured by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at Laredo Port of Entry in Texas. The arrest took place at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, marking a significant moment in the effort to bring a fugitive to justice.

Secondary Inspection Leads to Arrest

On March 7, CBP officers stationed at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge flagged a bus passenger for further scrutiny, directing him to a secondary inspection.

The individual, identified as Luis Antonio Vega Romero, a 43-year-old Mexican citizen, underwent a detailed examination. Using biometric verification and federal law enforcement databases, officers confirmed his identity and uncovered an active felony warrant tied to his name…

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