Arkansas boosts data science with $750K grant to U of A program expansion

ARKANSAS, USA — The University of Arkansas (U of A) was awarded $750,000 by the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) to increase the number of data science certificates in the state.

This is an effort not only to expand the available two-year degrees in data science but also to make it more accessible to aspiring students.

Karl Schubert, the managing director of the U of A Data Science program and head of the Data Science Literacy Education and Workforce Development advisory group, will lead the new program, HIRED.

Why data science?

U of A says companies are relying more and more on “data-driven problem-solving” to stay competitive. To meet these job growth expectations, Arkansas has decided to invest in more workforce training. The university says data scientists can make anywhere from $80,000 to $120,000 annually.

About the program

According to the release, the program’s goal is “to increase the number of data science degrees and certificates” and the number of instructors in the field…

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