Opinion: Denver homeless hotel neighbor, Jesse Parris, earns my vote for statehouse district 8

As most people who follow me know, I live at Fusion Studios, a former hotel converted into housing for the formerly homeless. I write quite a bit about some of the unsavory individuals who live here. But today I want to spotlight a resident who is doing good and who I am proud to call my neighbor.

My neighbor down the hall, Jesse Lashawn Parris, is again running for public office, this time for Colorado state representative. You’ll recall that last year he ran unsuccessfully for mayor.

Parris, a member of the Unity Party, is consistent in his viewpoints and vigorously advocates for causes he believes in. He has become a regular during public comment period at Denver City Council meetings, often appearing virtually but occasionally making an in-person visit. He speaks quite a bit about homelessness. He also has spoken out against the city granting migrants assistance at a time when American citizens are living on the streets in Denver.

Once homeless but not helpless

There are no doubt people in my building who don’t stand up for what they believe in. They have been beaten down by homelessness. Some appear to have given up on life. And it’s no wonder, considering how people experiencing homelessness are perceived by much of the public. They’re called lazy, lacking intelligence, and often are not taken seriously.

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