Denver Zoo Welcomes Brand New Baby Giraffe and Everyone’s in Love

As wonderful as it would be for every wild animal to live in their natural habitat, many zoos and aquariums provide a safe home for animals who can’t survive in the wild. They often combine facets of zoology like endangered species conservation and veterinary care into these facilities as well, so becoming a fun educational resource for the public is the natural next step. Every zoo has its own special exhibits and projects for visitors to explore, but the Denver Zoo is celebrating the arrival of a long-awaited new resident.

On the morning of March 7, the zoo’s reticulated giraffe, BB, gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Although the giraffe calf has yet to be named, zookeepers shared some sweet video clips of mom and baby, both of whom are doing well, with the Denver Gazette. Just wait until you see the precious newborn!

OMG! This sweet baby giraffe looks like he’s falling asleep sitting up, and we can’t blame him one bit. Being born is hard work! He’s experiencing so many new things during his first few days earthside, but he and his mama are both doing great…

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