Jury awards former tenants more than $10M in lawsuit against apartment complex

DENVER — This week, a Denver jury sided with former tenants in a class action lawsuit against an apartment complex at the center of neglect concerns.

The jury awarded roughly $13.5 million to more than 2,000 residents of the Mint Urban Infinity apartment complex near Louisiana Avenue and Colorado Boulevard in Denver. The payout will go to tenants in the form of a 31.42% rent reduction per unit per month for the class period, which ran from October 22, 2018, through June 28, 2022.

The jury ruled that both property ownership (Glendale Properties) and management (Cardinal Group) violated Colorado’s Warranty of Habitability , with ownership 70 percent at fault and management 30 percent at fault. The jury also found the Defendants violated their obligations to maintain the property under the lease, for damages of $200 per unit, per month.

  • Watch our first report on Mint Urban Infinity in the video player below

Denver7 has been covering issues at the Mint Urban Infinity apartments since 2021 . Tenants told Denver7 at the time they lost air conditioning in the summer and also dealt with other issues like break-ins, black mold, and elevators that were frequently shut down or felt unsafe…

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