Kaiser throws party for West Hills couple who have been married, and members, for 69 years

Kaiser Permanente recently hosted a surprise celebration for a very special West Hills couple.

Marvin and Reva Mallon, who are both 97 years old, are celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary.

They’ve also been Kaiser members for all that time. They joined in 1955 and say they have been in good hands ever since.

They shared some advice for enjoying a long and happy marriage.

“The most important thing was communication,” Reva said. “If you don’t agree on something, take a deep breath and say let’s talk later. And and we did.”

Added Marvin: “But things have changed. I can’t take a deep breath any longer.”

The Mallons met on a blind date and got married four months later.

All three of their children were born at Kaiser Permanente hospitals, and one even works for the company.

This story was originally published here.