27 homeless individuals move into new apartment complex in Los Angeles

A “Welcome Home” celebration led by Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell took place on Monday to congratulate 27 individuals who successfully transitioned from encampments to apartments.

The newly housed individuals lived for years in tents and RVs in unincorporated Lennox, Walnut Park and Firestone Park, as well as in Hawthorne, according to a press release from L.A. County officials.

They now live in The Dalton, which was built as part of a newly expanded initiative to increase affordable housing stock countywide through master leasing.

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Master leasing entire buildings allows the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to secure apartments on the private rental market and lease them directly to people experiencing homelessness, including those with tenant-based rental subsidies who struggle to lease up with traditional landlords, the county said.

“We are using every tool in our toolbox to support the transition of people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing,” Mitchell said. “Master leasing, combined with our successful Pathway Home effort, are game changers when it comes to getting people to come into homes more quickly.”

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