Cool Relief Arriving: California Welcomes End of Hottest Summer

California has one more day of scorching heat, and then it’s over. Experts are saying this is the hottest summer the planet has ever had, and no one in California will debate that.

Usually by September the triple digit temperatures have passed, but this summer is different. From Sacramento to Los Angeles, the heat just keeps coming in waves, and the latest one is finally ending.

Cooler weather is expected on Tuesday, with temperatures dropping 10-15 degrees in most areas. Woodland Hills is 25 miles west of Los Angeles, and they have become the poster child for hot temperatures. On Friday, their reported temperature was 119 F. Sunday and Monday, 106 F is their predicted temperature, with 97 F being Monday’s forecast. For them, Wednesday is the real cool down as they drop to an incredible high of 79 F.

Los Angeles will have 2 more triple-digit days and then on Tuesday cool down to 89 and on Wednesday 80. Sacramento in Northern California will have two more hot days and then drop to 87 on Tuesday. In contrast, San Francisco has already cooled down to the 60’s and 70’s and is in fall mode already.

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