Temporary solutions for victims of Rancho Palos Verdes landslide

Homes getting destroyed by the land movement in Rancho Palos Verdes are likely not covered by insurance, and many residents are saying they’re tired and looking for answers.

Hundreds now living without power, gas, and internet are forced to go off the grid, and they say if their homes slip away, they likely won’t be compensated.

After residents demanded action from the city, officials say they have devised some temporary solutions. These include placing homes on cargo structures and other leveling systems like I-beams, installing alternative foundation systems, and using temporary modular housing and storage while repairs are being made.

Brandy Forbes, with the city’s Community Development Department, said, “Allowing for alternatives to the foundations and allowing temporary foundation systems that will allow the home to move with the land movement rather than staying on its current foundation, which is getting pushed and moved with the land and thus compromising the structures. So what this particular measure will do – authorize regulations for temporary foundational support systems.”

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