Probation department ‘fully intends’ to keep Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall ‘open and operational’

After Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Downey was deemed unsuitable to house youth detainees by the state and was ordered to move all juveniles out of the facility by Thursday, the county said it plans to stay put.

“We are appealing the unsuitability finding of Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall by the Board of State and Community Corrections through existing regulations, and have further asked them to rescind their unsuitability finding from recent inspections,” read a statement issued Thursday by the Los Angeles County Probation Department. “While we fully agree with safety and security standards, we disagree with their application of regulations and overall findings, particularly around staffing ratios. The department fully intends to keep Los Padrinos open and operational.”

As it has done in the past, the BSCC recently deemed the facility unsuitable to house youth detainees, and it gave the county until Thursday to correct deficiencies or move the youth out of the facility.

The county, however, has no alternative locations for housing them.

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