Louisville mayor seeking reelection less than two years into first term

Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg appears to be seeking reelection.

While the first-term mayor has not formally announced the launch of his second campaign, his original campaign website has been scrubbed and replaced with a one-page site with the phrase “Re-elect Greenberg for mayor” at the top.

According to an archived version of the website, his old campaign site was live as of Sept. 17.

Greenberg also registered to run in the 2026 primary election back in August, according to the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance.

A short blurb on the revised website hints at the issues the Democrat will focus on while seeking reelection.


According to the website, Greenberg is aiming to “reduce gun violence, address homelessness, improve
early childhood education, build thousands of affordable housing units, revitalize
downtown, create good-paying jobs, and improve our environment” — similar issues he ran on in 2022.

Greenberg also touts his collaboration with “Democratic, Republican, and Independent public officials” in securing funding for the city — a potential appeal to voters across the political spectrum as the merged city-county government approaches its first nonpartisan mayoral race in November 2026.

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