Letters: Mask ban means we will no longer shop, dine or enjoy events in Louisville

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Ordinance 130.01, which seeks to enforce a ban on masks in public places. This ordinance will profoundly impact my family’s ability to visit and participate in the vibrant economy of Louisville.Enforcing this ordinance would put the health, safety, and freedom of my family, and many others like us, at great risk. Since my wife completed chemotherapy for stage 3 Lymphoma in 2019, masks have been a crucial tool in protecting us and everyone who is immunocompromised or vulnerable to severe illness. Even a simple cold has caused ER visits and hospital stays. We, who have experienced much isolation in the pandemic, would be prevented from freely and safely engaging in everyday activities, thus hindering our ability to contribute to and benefit from the local economy.

There have been documented cases of discrimination against immunocompromised people wearing masks in other cities where such bans were proposed, and we fear businesses could openly discriminate against people who are wearing masks for legitimate health reasons.Because of this, we would no longer shop, dine, or enjoy events in Louisville. My kids especially enjoy our zoo membership, but this ordinance would potentially involve screening and profiling of our family when we visit — a trauma that I would not expose our children to. This is especially difficult for my oldest daughter, a freshman at the University of Louisville, who regularly masks to protect herself and my wife. She has the same genetic marker for cancer as my wife but cannot be considered immunocompromised by a doctor.

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