Lubbock resident announces campaign for State Representative for 84th District

LUBBOCK, Texas — Noah Lopez of Lubbock announced a campaign on Monday to run for State Representative of the 84th District.

Lopez said he has advocated for state funding for community colleges at the Texas State Capitol while serving as senator at the South Plains College’s student government.

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“I have been an advocate and will always be an advocate for community colleges like South Plains… because of their influences on the communities they serve,” he expressed.

According to the release, Lopez works as a barista for Starbucks and is confident “he is more qualified than his opponent, Carl H. Tepper.” Lopez also mentioned that he would better represent working people in the district due to his background than Tepper could.

“More people in my district work a job like me,” said Lopez.

The slogan for Lopez’s campaign is “Power to the People.” He said it represents everything he wants to advocate and push, if elected.

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