Lubbock Assembly Club honors 19 high school seniors

The Assembly Club, which was formed in 1931 in Lubbock as the Assembly Dance Club, honored 19 young men and women earlier this month in its annual introduction of students during a formal dinner and dance.

The honorees are the sons and daughters and sometimes grandchildren of the members of the Assembly Club. They include the following:

Kathryn Ruth Cardelli, daughter of Ms. Jennifer Johnson Cardelli, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson. She is a Senior at Monterey High School.

William Thomas Collier, son of Mrs. Melissa and Mr. Scott Collier. He is a Senior at Monterey High School. (not pictured)

Luke David D’Alise, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mark D’Alise. He is a Senior at All Saints Episcopal High School.

Britton Underwood Dickerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Dickerson, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Underwood. She is a Senior at Madison-Ridgeland Academy in Madison, Mississippi.

Quinton Howard Dickerson, IV, son of Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Dickerson, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Underwood. He is a Senior at Madison-Ridgeland Academy in Madison, Mississippi.

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