Scammers pose as Lubbock police to target local businesses

LUBBOCK, Texas — The Lubbock Police Department issued an important warning about a new scam happening around town regarding local businesses.

LPD have received reports that scammers are pretending to be LPD officers, calling local businesses and asking for the exact amount of cash in their registers. These scammers are even asking employees to meet them at different locations to verify if the money is real and not counterfeit.

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“That’s never something we would do,” said Brady Cross, a lieutenant with the Lubbock Police Department, regarding recent reports of a scammer posing as law enforcement.

“People were saying they were representing the Lubbock Police Department and asking business owners if they would let them know how much money they had on hand,” Cross explained. “Then, they were wanting to come and verify that the money wasn’t counterfeit.”

But it doesn’t end there.

“They were willing to meet business owners here in town to look at the currency,” Cross added. “There is a good chance it could be a local connection.”

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