Dane County Crackdown on Impaired Driving Yields Multiple Arrests

Dane County, WI — In a two-day county-wide operation targeting impaired driving, law enforcement agencies in Dane County reported a significant number of arrests and citations. The initiative, known as the “Drive Sober, Get Pulled Over” campaign, was conducted by the Wisconsin State Patrol, the Dane County Sheriff’s Office, and all Dane County police departments on December 15th and 29th, organized by the Dane County Traffic Safety Commission’s law enforcement subgroup.

In an unprecedented move, all 22 county law enforcement agencies joined forces to combat driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The result of their coordinated efforts was the arrest of seven individuals for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) and 21 arrests for various other crimes.

According to statistics provided by Safe Communities of Madison-Dane County, participating agencies made 385 stops of vehicles whose drivers were suspected of impaired driving or other traffic violations. Furthermore, law enforcement issued 296 verbal or written warnings for risky driving behavior, including 57 for speeding. Additionally, 236 traffic tickets were issued, with 52 of them related to speeding, some drivers exceeding the speed limit by 20 miles per hour or more.

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