‘It’s not really worth it’: The price of police pursuits

MADISON, Wis. — As News 3 Now reports on police chase after police chase in the Madison area, the headlines have started feeling familiar. That’s true for Dom and Gena Esqueda, too, except for them, those headlines don’t remind them of stories they’ve read, but one they lived.

“Every time it happens, it’s a reminder of that night,” Dom said. “It’s a flashback every time. That moment where that car was heading at us head-on. That feeling of, ‘Oh my gosh, like, brace yourself, we’re about to get smoked.’”

It was around midnight on July 8, 2023. Dom and Gena were heading home from a friend’s house.

“We were about two blocks from home,” Dom said. “As we switched into that turn lane, you could see that car coming from Fordem [Ave.] attempting to take a right [turn] way too fast and missed the corner, hit the median and then hit us head-on.”

It took seconds for Dom to realize what had just happened.

“It was just, you know, chaos,” he said. “[Gena] was screaming in pain. I saw lights, and so immediately I thought fire and I started screaming at her to get out of the car. Turns out that those lights were the police chasing them.”

Story continues