‘No one’s here to listen’: Noise, pollution concerns only grown since F35s arrived, community says at listening session

MADISON, Wis. — Since the F35 jets landed at Truax Field roughly a year ago, residents at the first of a series of listening sessions organized by the Squadron and Air Force said their fears about noise and environmental pollution have come true.

The sessions are part of an initiative called Madison F35 Community Connection from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs (DMA), and funded by a $798,000 grant from the Department of Defense.

Two more will be held at Madison College Friday and Saturday Morning, from 9-10:30.

Future iQ, a consulting company, hosted the first listening session at Madison College Thursday.

“The reality is, it’s here now, right?” Future iQ CEO David Beurle said of the jets.

Whenever that was brought up, many at the session Thursday winced or groaned.

“6,000 responded years ago, and we weren’t listened to then,” one resident said. “It’s ironic to be in here in a ‘community listening session’ when no one’s here to listen.”

Beurle acknowledged that feeling. “This is an opportunity now to go, ‘ok how do we form a stronger relationship?’ and these are listening sessions, let’s find out really what’s on the community’s mind.”

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