A night at Nook is unforgettable – that is, if you can get in

Joe While had been vying for a seat at Nook’s table for a full year. It wasn’t until he stayed up until midnight on the first day of August that he finally booked dinner for his party of six.

That’s how it works if you want to dine here — the next online reservation period for this Atwood Avenue restaurant opens Feb. 1 at midnight for April seatings. By 12:02 a.m., Nook will be fully booked for the month of April.

“Maybe one seat will make it to morning if someone books a three-top,” says Noah Przybylski, who opened Nook in 2018 with his wife, Julie Przybylski.

The diligent midnight dash to make a reservation paid off for While: A keystroke of luck got him into the 12-seat restaurant, on the day of his birthday no less. An adventurous eater — as are most who enjoy Nook’s brand of inventive, surprising food presented in 13 courses — While says it’s one of the best dining experiences he’s ever had, anywhere.

Nook doesn’t fit neatly into a cuisine category box. The tasting menu features generous portions and evokes fine dining, but the atmosphere created by the Przybylskis (who cook and plate right in front of guests in the narrow kitchen/dining room space) is laid-back like a dinner party.

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