With son facing brain cancer, Sun Prairie family blessed by Thursday’s Child

Early in 2020, when he was just 8 months old, Titus Ciolkosz was diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer and embarked on a treatment that would involve removing the tumor, three rounds of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant.

According to his parents, Josh and Kim Ciolkosz, he was given between a 0% and 5% chance of survival.

The whole family felt the trauma, they said, though the two parents split their time with Titus in the hospital and carved out individual play dates with their other three children when they visited.

Through it all they received one gift: Thursday’s Child .

Their oncologist, Dr. Diane Puccetti, serves as president of Thursday’s Child and referred them.

The nonprofit fulfills the dreams of children with life-threatening illnesses, whether that be with a computer, a meeting with a famous person or a trip to Disney World.

For the Ciolkosz family, it was that trip to Disney World for the whole family.

After a delay due to the COVID-19 virus, the family took that vacation together in 2022, and the couple now calls it “the gift that keeps on giving.”

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