Wisconsin Pork Association honors two from Waterloo

The Wisconsin Pork Association (WPA) announced last week that among the honorees selected at its organization’s annual meeting Feb. 1 were two individuals from Waterloo.

Brian Klubertanz was selected as a Distinguished Service Producer. Each year, the Wisconsin Pork Association presents a Distinguished Service Award to a fellow pork producer whose contributions to the Wisconsin swine industry merit special recognition.

Brian resides in Waterloo with his family on their farrow-to-finish operation. He has served two terms on the WPA Board of Directors and held the Treasurer position.

“His passion for raising pigs, commitment to protecting the swine industry, and willingness to step up in time of need are what makes him a great role model and member of our organization,” the news release noted about Klubertanz.

WPA also recognized scholarship recipients the annual meeting held. Six high school seniors and college students from across the state were awarded a total of $6,000 in scholarship funds.

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