Letter: Bret Wagner for Madison School Board Seat 3

I’m running for Madison Metropolitan School District Board, Seat 3, and I’m asking for your readers’ consideration. As a Fitchburg resident, dad to two MMSD students, engineer, former teacher, and Cherokee Heights Middle School PFO President, I bring both professional experience and deep community connections to our schools’ future. I’m honored to have Fitchburg Mayor Julia Arata-Fratta’s endorsement in this race.

One question consistently predicts student success: “Is there an adult at school who knows you well?” When students answer yes, everything from attendance to achievement improves dramatically.

I didn’t feel like I belonged. But then came our high school chemistry teacher, Roger Rumppe. Being really into science wasn’t exactly a ticket to popularity. But Mr. Rumppe saw something in me that I couldn’t yet see in myself…

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