Judge Glenda Hatchett, also known as “Judge Hatchett” on television, is taking a former Georgia sheriff who groped her two years ago back to court, this time to face a civil lawsuit describing the emotional distress she suffered after the assault.
The celebrity judge brought the suit against former Bleckley County Sheriff Kris Coody, who pleaded guilty last year to misdemeanor sexual battery before resigning from his job.
Hatchett filed the lawsuit last month in the state court of Cobb County, which states that she suffered intense emotional distress after Coody violated her.
That incident took place on Jan. 18, 2022, at a Georgia Sheriff’s Association convention at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel and Convention Center in Cobb County.
Hatchett said she was introduced to Coody there.
The lawsuit states that when Hachett told Coody she wasn’t familiar with Bleckley County, Coody “poked” Hatchett in the chest and “proceeded to grab her left breast, rubbing and squeezing it” while saying Bleckley County was “right in the heart of Georgia.”