Mass. gun owners react after teen & father charged in Georgia school shooting

The father of the 14-year-old boy accused of a deadly school shooting in Georgia is also facing charges related to the massacre. It’s the latest attempt by prosecutors to hold parents accountable for their child’s role in school shootings.

Dozens of people walked in and out of Four Season’s gun shop in Woburn Friday. It’s a place where people can buy guns, ammunition, and accessories. Stephen Cerchione said his guns are unloaded and locked up, which is the law in Massachusetts. He said it’s up to him to make sure his kids can’t get to them.

“It’s their responsibility,” said Cerchione, a Fitchburg resident. “If your kid has access to your gun and does something stupid with it yeah it’s absolutely your responsibility.”

I’m all for gun ownership but you’ve got to take a little bit of responsibility there,” said Mike Coleman, from Cambridge.

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey signed a new gun safety law in July . It cracks down on untraceable ghost guns, 3-D printed weapons, and prevents guns from getting into the wrong hands.

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