KSU Unveils 1843 Restored Copy of Declaration of Independence

KENNESAW — In honor of Constitution Week, Kennesaw State University unveiled a rare, newly-restored 1843 copy of the Declaration of Independence.

The restored document was put on display Thursday during a preview of KSU’s new, 10-panel traveling exhibit, “We The People: The Documents That Made Our Nation,” at the Sturgis Library.

The exhibit preview served as the university’s signature event celebrating Constitution Week, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. After unveiling the restored declaration, students were invited to view the document along with other items in the exhibit.

Other documents on display in the exhibit include a 1791 edition of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” newspapers from the 1780s reporting updates on the Revolutionary War and a late 1700s print of a poem by Phillis Wheatley, the first African American woman to publish a book of poetry.

The school also offered free calligraphy lessons, a photo booth with James and Dolley Madison reenactors and a quiz to figure out, “Which Founding Father are you?”

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