Picking which college you’re going to attend is a big choice. Usually, it will determine the level of opportunities you have available to you, and it could also determine how much debt you’re going to have upon graduating. There’s a lot to consider. This year’s rankings of best colleges have been released, and only one university in Texas made it to the top 20.
Which College Is The Best In Texas?
The team at Research.com has released their findings for this year’s list of the best colleges in the country. Unfortunately for Texas, we weren’t at the top. We weren’t even in the top 10. Only one college in Texas made it as far as the top 20.
At the risk of sounding redundant, the research at Research.com shows The University of Texas at Austin as being the best college in Texas. They came in 17th place. Their acceptance rate had a lot to do with how far up the list they got, along with the average SAT and ACT scores.
The next Texas college to show up on the list is Rice. They landed at 51st. It’s still not bad considering that there are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the US.
What Makes A College One Of The Best In The Country
The rankings are based on a lot of factors. Of course, the cost and financial aid are major factors. Other factors include things like career guidance, campus life, how academically competitive the colleges are, and even the faculty…