Collin County man charged with capital murder after death of pregnant girlfriend

The Brief

  • A Collin County man has been charged with capital murder after the shooting death of his pregnant girlfriend on Monday.
  • 35-year-old Carl Chrisenberry called 911 and said he accidentally shot her.
  • Deputies found the 23-year-old woman with a gunshot wound to the chest.

COLLIN COUNTY, Texas A Collin County man has been arrested and charged with capital murder after he told Collin County officials he accidentally shot his pregnant girlfriend.

Capital Murder Arrest

What we know:

The Collin County Sheriff’s office received a 911 call from a man saying he accidentally shot his girlfriend just before 9 a.m. at a home on North State Highway 78 in Blue Ridge.

When deputies arrived, they found the female inside with a gunshot wound to the chest, officials say.

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