Allergy surge hits West Texas after dust storms: Local ENT doctor shares what to do

PERMIAN BASIN, Texas (KMID/KPEJ)- A series of recent dust storms sweeping through the Permian Basin and beyond has stirred more than just tumbleweeds and sand. According to local health professionals, these weather events are also triggering a significant increase in allergies and respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Joshua Levinger, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at Medical Center Hospital ProCare, says he’s already seeing a spike in patients experiencing severe symptoms due to the seasonal dust and pollen mixture that now saturates the West Texas air.

“Spring is definitely a time of year where we have a big surge in allergies and respiratory symptoms from the dust,” Levinger said in an interview. “About 20% of all people suffer from spring allergies, and those numbers rise when dust storms come through.”…

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