Irate Airbnb Host Sent Guest’s Wife Door-Cam Pic of Him With Another Woman, Lawsuit Alleges

When a dissatisfied Airbnb guest posted a less-than-glowing review of his stay, he had no idea he was about to set his marriage ablaze.

Mississippi resident Shawn Mackey rented the four-bed, two-bath home for a weekend with old friends in Memphis, according to an eye-popping lawsuit obtained by The Daily Beast .

But after Mackey refused to pay $960 in additional fees and penalties for allegedly having extra guests over and violating two of the house rules, “superhost” Pamela Fohler emailed his wife a photo taken by one of the property’s security cameras, which showed Mackey “in the company of another female” at 3:16 a.m., the suit alleges.

“The plaintiff’s marriage has suffered as a result,” it says, adding that the situation has caused Mackey “extreme emotional distress,” “public humiliation,” and “mental anguish.”

Mackey’s lawyer did not respond to numerous requests for comment on Tuesday. A request sent to Fohler’s attorney on Tuesday went unanswered, as did a request sent to Airbnb’s attorney in the case. Reached by phone, Fohler’s husband declined to make her available, then hung up.

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