Woman accused of beating stepdad with iron skillet for money

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police say a man was beaten so badly with an iron skillet that he may need open heart surgery.

Investigators said Nikaya Walls, 43, hit her stepdad multiple times with the iron pan at his downtown apartment after he refused to give her money. Walls is now facing charges of attempted first-degree murder and especially aggravated robbery.

The victim said after he told Walls he wasn’t giving her any money, she hit him on the back of the head with the skillet, knocking him to the ground.

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He said Walls grabbed his cell phone and wallet, which contained nearly $200. The victim said when he asked Walls why she was doing this to him, his stepdaughter hit him several more times in the face with the skillet and left.

The victim was able to crawl to his front door to get help. He was transported to the hospital and treated for a blood clot, bleeding in his skull, broken ribs, and broken bones in his face.

The victim said he didn’t want to give his stepdaughter any money because he believed she was going to use it to buy drugs.

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