Happy birthday! Memphis woman turns 106

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Memphis woman turns 106 years old, and is WREG is honored to share her story.

Born and raised in Memphis, Jane McGoldrick spent 50 years working on Front Street at Cresbi Cotton Company. A proud graduate of Tech High School, class of 1936, Jane says she’s lived a “normal life” with her family, attending church every Sunday.

She remembers helping soldiers in World War II.

“Well of course we were devastated by the world war,” McGoldrick said. “Of course, there were a lot of soldiers and sailors in Memphis. We tried to do our best to help them entertain them.”

She’s also survived two pandemics, the Spanish Flu and COVID.

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“I didn’t ever once get sick, my daughter either. She and I survived that. Everybody around us had it but we survived it,” McGoldrick said.

McGoldrick says she’s seen it all. She even met Elvis before he was famous.

“That’s right. He wasn’t the Elvis, but he was Elvis to us. He was introduced to me,” McGoldrick said. “Oh, it was great. He was good. He always was good, even as a young man.”

Story continues