American Airlines passenger reportedly removed from flight after ‘disgruntled’ flatulence

An American Airlines flight was reportedly delayed after a “disgruntled” passenger loudly passed gas and was removed from the plane.

In a viral Reddit post shared to the r/Austin subreddit, user u/Glamgalatx detailed their recent American Airlines flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Austin, Texas. According to the Reddit user, the incident took place on Sunday 14 January.

“This past Sunday I was on a direct American flight from Phoenix to Austin and I was seated near the row where this situation occurred. I’m simply sharing this because it’s somewhat entertaining, and no I did not film anything,” they began the post , which has been upvoted 916 times since it was shared last week.

The Reddit user explained that they were boarding their flight when they noticed a man who was “audibly disgruntled” or “maybe hungover” and was grumbling about something under his breath. After several minutes passed and the majority of passengers had boarded the plane, the original poster [OP] overheard the man loudly say, “You thought that was rude? Well how about this smell,” and passed gas.

Story continues