Environmental groups champion nature, wildlife and water to Arizona policymakers

PHOENIX – Activist groups and legislators gathered Jan. 25 at the state Capitol for “Environmental Day” to address nature, wildlife and water.

With the “Save Water, Save Life” theme, dozens of groups advocated for legislative changes and support for the environment and general sustainability.

Among these organizations was the Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon Chapter, a nonprofit environmental advocacy organization. Borderlands Program Coordinator Erick Meza expressed the importance of preserving wildlife around the U.S.-Mexico border, especially endangered species.

“We advocate for the opening of wildlife passages so the migration corridors can continue,” Meza said. “These are ancestral migration corridors for species that are on the endangered species list, such as jaguars, Sonoran pronghorn.”

Meza said the organization is advocating for environmental restoration, minimizing or stopping the construction of border walls that could affect local species and minimizing the presence of law enforcement.

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