Arizona Man on a Mission to Compost All of Phoenix’s Organic Waste Into Soil

Arizona native Neal Brooks has been collecting materials from local businesses around Phoenix that he can turn back into soil.

“Instead of taking it to a landfill and clogging up a landfill, we grind it up and process it and we create soil products. Everything from growing seeds, to putting on the bottom of the bed. Whatever your needs are,” he tells KPHO

If you are in the city and are growing a field of crops or planting herbs on your windowsill, the soil being created from community scraps can go back to every member of the community who wants it.

“We will be diverting more than the city of Phoenix with our compost project in the next six months,” he adds.

Brooks has a whole team of workers turning the soil and watering it to preserve its nutrients.

He says he’s hoping people from all over the city will want to take part in this initiative for a cleaner, greener metropolis.

“The cost of fuel and the problems it takes now to build more and more dumps. We have less and less land. We have less and less water,” he says. “So we really want people to understand that it really starts in your backyard. It starts in your apartment in a container.”

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