Recycled City turns food waste back into food while helping the environment

Valley company uses unique business plan to remove food from the waste stream and grow vegetables with the compost

Ole Olafson, Reporter

Arizona is the nation’s most food wasteful state, and when food waste decomposes in our landfills it creates large amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas.

On Thursday evening, Scottsdale Community College hosted two showings of “Kiss the Ground”, a documentary film narrated by actor and environmental activist Woody Harrelson.

The film focuses on the concept of actually reversing climate change through regenerating the Earth’s soil and using farming methods that allow plants to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.

Participants learned that composting is a way to both remove food from the waste stream and regenerate soils at the same time.

Attendees also met and were able to ask questions of J.D. Hill, who started a business in 2013 called Recycled City, which offers Valley residents a convenient way to turn their food waste into compost.

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