‘We’re Not Gonna Let This Happen Again’ – Phoenix Open Chief Says Changes Will Be Made For 2025 Event

The WM Phoenix Open is known for being the most raucous event on the PGA Tour, with huge numbers of fans attending each year and bringing a boisterous atmosphere to proceedings. As a result, the event is very familiar with some wild scenes down the years, including streakers and topless pros .

However, the 2024 event, which was won by Nick Taylor, was marred by multiple occasions when things went too far , including players remonstrating with fans and brawling among supporters.

As the fallout from the event continued, the executive director of the group that puts on the event each year, The Thunderbirds, has promised changes will be made in future editions.

Chance Cozby appeared on the Golf Channel’s Golf Today to discuss the controversies with Todd Lewis and Rex Hoggard, and vowed there won’t be a repeat of the unruly scenes at that were all too frequent at the 2024 event.

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He said: “We’re going to make changes. I think everybody probably agrees that we have a very unique culture of our event. This was our 89th playing and I don’t think any of us dreamed that it would grow to this level of attendance and excitement.”

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