Plan B for Buckeye, Queen Creek to get enough water to develop

The Arizona Department of Water Resources has begun discussions that could lead to some Valley cities being able to obtain a designation of assured water supply.

The Arizona Department of Water Resources hosted the first of a series of informal meetings on Monday afternoon to discuss the Alternative Pathway to Designation of Assured Water Supply, or ADAWS.

If the proposed rules pass at the state level, some cities may have an opportunity to find other ways to get a designation of assured water supply, which would in turn speed up development in cities like Buckeye.

Most cities in the Valley already have a designation of assured water supply. But some, notably Buckeye and Queen Creek, are still working towards obtaining a designation, which guarantees a 100-year water supply.

The Valley is located within the Phoenix Active Management Area, which is a section of basins subject to certain groundwater regulations.

Because Buckeye does not have a designation of assured water supply, the city has run into speedbumps when it comes to development. Individual developers have to obtain a certificate of assured water supply from the Department of Water Resources before moving forward.

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