Arizona law group is still coming for your abortion pill

Opinion: Scottsdale’s Alliance Defending Freedom killed Roe v. Wade. They lost on the abortion pill, for now, but they’re not giving up.

Arizona Republic

The people working to preserve women’s reproductive freedom know what they’re up against.

After the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday refused to limit access to the abortion medication mifepristone, Dr. Jill Gibson, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Arizona, released a statement that read in part:

“The attacks brought before the Supreme Court were not based on science or for patient safety. This case was brought forward only to advance the political agenda of the same anti-abortion groups who urged the Arizona Supreme Court to enforce a total abortion ban on our communities. Even with today’s ruling, our fight is not over.”

No, not even close.

These abortion legal fights are a crusade

Because while those who want to protect a woman’s right to abortion, and to in vitro fertilization, and to contraception, think of what’s going on as a legal battle, the lawyers they’re up against consider it a war.

Story continues