A Popular Taco Restaurant Has Closed After 5 Years

Nobody has ever said running a restaurant is easy work. It is one of the most attempted businesses, and yet it is also the most failed business (by far). There are so many variables at play, it isn’t always possible to rely on quality food. Even restaurants with an established client base, an exceptional menu, and plenty of positive word of mouth can eventually falter, as the current economy can erase years, if not decades of productivity. For one family-owned restaurant in the greater Phoenix area, all of the economic strife has led to closure after a five-year run.

On June 27, Tacos Chiwas announced on its social media platforms that it decided not to renew its Chandler-based restaurant’s lease. Other than referencing the lease, no additional information was given as to the specifics or what led the restaurant to this decision. One can surmise though, that with rents skyrocketing around the Valley, there likely was a price increase the family did not want to pay. 

While the post announced the closure for Friday, the 28, it did indicate they would like to remain in Chandler (or at least nearby) and possibly move into a larger location that would allow for the family to not only continue serving the same menu but to add a bar. Whether such a location exists within the desired price point is another question, but for those who enjoy the food and live around Chandler, the closure of the 12160 North Alma School Road location will be felt. 

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