Mesa Mexican Restaurant Visited 4 Times By Health Department, Receives D-Level Grade.

Well within our first week of September, the tail end of August restaurant inspections are finally trickling in. With college back in session and the snowbirds returning, restaurants will soon return to full capacity, and with it, ideally churn out their best months of business. However, the busy level doesn’t have an impact on health inspections. Those will continue, with every restaurant receiving at least one annual inspection (if not more). For one local Mesa eatery though, things could have gone better, as it was hit with a D-level inspection grade. The worst grade a restaurant can receive without failing. 

On August 27, Filberto’s Mexican Food at 1755 West Main Street in Mesa was visited for its annual health inspection. This is the eleventh time it has been visited since November of 2021. The number is rather high, especially as the majority of these inspections have been classified as “Food Routine Inspections.” Usually, these are performed annually, and yet in some years, the restaurant was visited every three months (despite not having a violation the previous visit). 

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