South Florida’s extreme heat causing seasonal affective disorder, but help available

South Florida’s extreme heat causing seasonal affective disorder 03:00

MIAMI – In South Florida, extreme heat is causing issues like seasonal affective disorder. This can affect your daily life, but help is available if needed.

At Zoo Miami, grandparents Elzbieta Wnuk and her husband Stanislaw Wnuk played with their grandson and persevered through the heat.

“It’s incredible and it’s hard to endure out here,” said Elzbieta.

CBS News Miami’s team of meteorologists confirmed that we are dealing with the hottest weather on record in South Florida.

Experts warn that South Florida’s extreme heat can lead to something more serious. It’s called seasonal affective disorder. While many people think that’s something those in the north only deal with during gloomy winters, it can affect South Floridians too, but during the summer months.

“Seasonal affective disorder is a type of major depression that has a seasonal component to it, and we say that it’s seasonal affective disorder when it occurs for two consecutive seasons in a two-year period,” said Dr. Daniel Bober, Chief of Psychiatry for Memorial Regional Hospital.

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