Post-Surfside condo inspection leads to condemnation, 30-day notice to eviction

Live in a home governed by a condominium, co-op or homeowner’s association? Have questions about what they can and cannot do? Ryan Poliakoff , an attorney and author based in Boca Raton, has answers.

Question: Our condominium has been condemned because of structural damage that, to quote the receiver, “go[es] back to the original construction of the buildings, but that was not known until we did our in-depth investigation since my appointment.”

I am at a loss as to how this building inspection was passed when I wanted to put up hurricane shutters and was required to get a permit and inspection done. The residents are required to vacate with only a month’s notice. Signed, D.M.

Dear D.M. ,

I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. The inspection that you had when you put up hurricane shutters had nothing to do with the issues that are now being discovered in your building. That inspection was simply to verify that your shutters were installed properly, and not that the entire building was sound.

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