Graffiti artists have turned an abandoned building in downtown Miami into a massive and beautiful work of art. I’m not sure how some of these tags were even possible…【Video】

Graffiti Art or Urban Eyesore? A Debate on the Transformation of an Abandoned Building in Downtown Miami

The transformation of an abandoned building in downtown Miami into a graffiti-covered spectacle has sparked a lively debate among viewers. While some appreciate the artistic value, others perceive it as an eyesore or a symbol of urban decay.

One viewer pointed out that the building had previously been dismissed as just another abandoned downtown structure. The graffiti, they argue, has done little to change this perception.

“I remember this post getting clowned on a few months ago for just looking like any other abandoned downtown building.”

Others echoed this sentiment, expressing disappointment in the graffiti’s lack of originality and aesthetic appeal.

“I dunno these look like very uninteresting kind of graffiti… Just text kinda.”

“Maybe just me but I don’t find this beautiful. Why not turn it into a vertical garden/park?”

“I’m not seeing it. This building is an absolute eyesore. I’ll never understand the appeal of this kind of graffiti. Making a mural is one thing, but this is just shitty name tags. Unoriginal and boring.”

“Maybe unpopular opinion but murals and graphics would have been awesome but a bunch of words or letters just doesn’t scream beautiful to me.”

“We have very different definitions of a beautiful work of art, if I lived near that I would be delighted it’s being torn down, whereas I’d like to live near most works of art that are beautiful.”

“Looks like a bunch of Ads on one big billboard lol looks like shit.”

“Beautiful. Looks like shit to me but art is subjective I suppose.”

“This isn’t art, it’s just their tags.”

“It screams ‘I live in a shitty crime ridden area’.”

Story continues