Woman struck by kindness after losing vehicle in carjacking

Carjacking victim who lost car in police pursuit gifted new vehicle 01:02

MIAMI – A South Florida woman who was devastated after losing her vehicle during a Miami Beach carjacking earlier this month was struck by an act of kindness.

Rita Case, President of Rick Case Automotive, donated a brand new vehicle to Glenda Defas after hearing her story .

“He (the assailant) destroyed seven years of my life,” Glenda said. “But Jesus sent me this angel to release my tragedy,” she said about Rita.

Glenda was so moved by Rita’s generosity that she fell to her knees, in tears, after Rita told her she was getting a new car.

Glenda said her car was extremely important to her because she used it to get to work and not just to get to work, but also to take care of her brother who has disabilities.

Rita, together with her late husband Rick, have raised over $120 million for charity.

This story was originally published here.