Unwashed hands, unsanitized equipment and other inspection issues at a Miami bakery

Along with pastelito problems, a West Miami-Dade Karla Bakery got in hot water with state inspectors for not having enough hot water Tuesday.

And one place Florida Department of Agriculture Inspectors Wenndy Ayerdis and Lourdes Chantez found lacking hot water was the employee restroom handwash sink.

The Karla Bakery at 8754 SW Bird Rd . has until Sept. 26 to get hot water out of that faucet for proper handwashing.

Inspectors don’t have the power to close an establishment but do have the ability to put Stop Use Orders on areas and equipment. Here’s some of what they found:

▪ A food service employee “touched oranges with bare hands and placed them in the orange juice machine to make juice for customers.” The oranges were washed as was the machine, which was also sanitized.

▪ Another food service employee decided to do more than one task in single use gloves: “handling money at the register and then grabbing oranges and placing them in the orange juice machine without changing gloves between tasks.”

Story continues