Florida man loses all limbs after routine surgery goes horribly wrong at hospital

A Florida man had his arms and legs amputated after reportedly going in for a routine procedure and now has filed a lawsuit against the hospital alleging they failed to manage his care properly.

Chad Gerlaugh, 46, had been admitted into the hospital in April 2019 to remove a kidney stone. The procedure reportedly went well and included doctors inserting a tube into his urethra to carry the urine as well as the kidney stone out of his body.

However, days later Gerlaugh’s blood pressure began to drop dramatically and his heart stopped beating for several minutes. Doctors would discover that he had developed an infection following his surgery. Gerlaugh had developed sepsis, a condition that causes a patients organs to shut down.

Gerlaugh was put on a round of serious antibiotics as well as vasopressor drug, used to treat low blood pressure, which caused his blood vessels to tighten. The drug redirected blood away from his extremities and to his vital organs. Over the next several days his arms and legs would begin to turn black from lack of blood flow. Gerlaugh had been in a wheelchair since 1998 after a car crash left him with spinal damage and only limited motion in his arms…

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