Bice: Milwaukee County Supervisor Burgelis accused of being ‘verbally abusive’ with female staff

There’s one way to work with women in positions of power.

You treat them with respect and courtesy.

Or you can do it the Peter Burgelis way.

Burgelis, a Milwaukee County supervisor running for Milwaukee alderman, was reprimanded back in July by the top aide to Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley for his dealings with female staffers.

Meyers said she was concerned about an emerging pattern.

“Cabinet is reporting that when it involves a female staff, you have been verbally abusive and completely disregard their expertise,” Meyers wrote. “I also get continuous complaints that you go around Dept leadership to get what you want when you do not like an answer you are given.”

Meyers said that if the problems persisted, cabinet members would be told to communicate with Burgelis through Meyers. She said the Crowley administration doesn’t tolerate “disrespect or verbal abuse.”

Reached last week, Burgelis said he met with Meyers after the email and that the situation has been resolved.

Burgelis offered vague details of the incident that prompted the email.

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