I Saved Around $1,650 Per Month Moving To a Cheaper State During the Pandemic: Here’s What I Did With All The Money I Saved

While the pandemic undoubtedly caused devastation for so many, a major event like that can also be a catalyst for positive change. For some, the pandemic proved an opportunity to reorient their finances and set themselves up for a better future . The disruption caused by the pandemic allowed some to hit the reset button to their advantage.

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That’s exactly what happened to Ashly Doran, a travel nurse and content creator , who moved from Portland, Oregon, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin , in June 2020.

The cost of living in Milwaukee is 16% lower than in Portland, according to RentCafe . Meanwhile, Oregon ranks as the ninth most expensive state, while Wisconsin comes in at 25th, according to the Council for Community & Economic Research survey ( via the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center ).

But Doran’s move wasn’t entirely motivated by finances. Around this time, a series of what might otherwise seem like unfortunate events prompted her move, ultimately to her benefit.

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