Milwaukee family now owns a home because of their work with Acts Housing

Daron and Nahona Moore recently moved into their new house on Milwaukee’s North Side. Brendyn Jones/TMJ4

The two rented and moved around for years but wanted to become homeowners.

For the couple, it’s almost hard to believe.

“It’s surreal,” Nahona Moore told TMJ4 reporter Brendyn Jones. “It’s like having a dream and watching it come to life.”

Like many prospective homeowners, they didn’t feel they were financially ready to take such a big step.

After speaking with U.S. Bank, the two learned about a local organization, Acts Housing. Acts says they are a one-stop shop that assists with every step someone needs to buy a home.

“There’s a great freedom that comes with homeownership and owning a little bit of America,” said Dee Kemp, the vice president of programs at Acts Housing. Brendyn Jones/TMJ4

The organization has programs that assist with financing, coaching, realty, and more.

The Moore family went through the homebuyer’s coaching program with Acts.

Kemp says programs like that are important in a market that is still struggling.

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